HLB Brazil signs collaboration agreement with CIECBC to assist Chinese companies that intend to invest in the country

HLB Brasil


HLB Brazil believes that strategic partnerships bring new visions to the market and offer more solutions to our customers. Therefore, it is with great satisfaction that we announce an important partnership with the Brazil-China Economic and Commercial Exchange Center (CIECBC).

With the aim of promoting content, events and meetings, this collaboration agreement aims to help Chinese companies that intend to invest in Brazil in the coming years and to assist Brazilian companies to seek Chinese investors.

“Our goal is to support this business exchange between the two countries, since Chinese organizations have been investing in the country in recent years and, even with the pandemic and the prospect of a global recession, they still see Brazil as a very promising investment region”, says Douglas Locatelli, Managing Partner at HLB Brazil.

For Monica Jang, president of CIECBC, this is an opportunity to further encourage this Asian interest in South America. “We want to show the Chinese investor that Brazil is structured to receive foreign investments, especially in sectors such as agribusiness and telecommunications, promoting explanatory materials on how to do business in the country, step by step of investment and preparing national companies to receive this range of opportunities that is very welcome at this time that the country will need to resume its economic development.

In addition to promoting support for foreign companies by HLB Brazil, CIECBC will also be present to assist in serving Chinese customers in Mandarin “Customers prefer to be served in their native language, so this partnership also helps us to promote a more personalized service to Chinese companies that we have as clients, offering even technical service in their local language”, celebrates Douglas.


Learn more about CIECBC:

The Economic and Commercial Exchange Center Brazil -China is a company that promotes business between the Brazilian and Chinese markets.

Its focus is on promoting economic and commercial relations between Brazil and China, thus forming a link that can extend from the economic and commercial to the governmental and cultural, contributing to the advancement of diplomatic relations and international trade, because it helps its partners to find the best solutions that meet your needs.

CIECBC Website

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