New eSocial. How should companies proceed now?
By Gabriela Resende
These years were dedicated to development and investment in the eSocial project, both for companies and for the government. Many companies came to doubt that it would actually be deployed. When things started moving the companies had to accelerate and invest in system, process automation and restructuring of their areas of HR and Sheet to meet the numerous requirements of eSocial. After so many efforts by companies and by the Government itself, the news of change in eSocial did not resonate well.
It is too early to assess the impacts of this change, as well as the real need to reinvest or even to consider losses of investments made so far. We are in a very delicate political moment, and any news in this direction can cause awkwardness among entrepreneurs and decision makers, since it is almost impossible to plan for such uncertainty. It is valid to analyze if eSocial is having the expected effect and also to evaluate the possibilities to simplify the life of the companies, from large to small, but of what is the use to simplify the system and to continue with bureaucratic processes, without control and often duplicates?
At this moment, it is recommended that companies continue complying with the law in force. ESocial has not brought any change of law, but rather in the way companies report their obligations. Therefore, until a new rule and the details about the proposed changes are released, companies should keep the current process in line with eSocial.
Gabriela Resende is a HR leader at HLB Brasil.