Senate extends term for the validity of the General Data Protection Brazilian Law

By Cléber Alvarenga


This Friday, 03/04, the Senate approved the bill that postpones the entry into force of the General Data Protection Brazilian Law to January 2021. Previously, the beginning of sanctions against companies would be applied from August this year.

Despite still going to the Chamber of Deputies and later, presidential sanction, experts believe that the text will not change.

The postponement is part of a bill by Senator Antonio Anastasia (PSD-MG), which was presented on March 31, which asked for the postponement to February 2022 and, due to the repercussions in the last days, the project’s rapporteur, Simone Tebet (MDB-MS) decide to make a new proposal in her opinion within the framework of the beginning of the law set in January 2021. But, will the administrative sanctions on companies, however, it became effective only in August next year.

It is understood that this action follows the logic of other Provisional Measure released in recente days. However, despite the sanctions taking effect in August 2021, organizations must pay attention to the complexity of the changes that the General Data Protection Brazilian Law will require of them to adapt, even more now, at a time when the risks with information security are higher, for account of the challenge that companies are facing with a large volume of employees in the Home Office regime. The postponement exists, but actions must be taken from now on.

Cleber Alvarenga is the Compliance Manager at HLB Brasil.

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