Diversity and inclusion in times of pandemic

By Madeleine Blankenstein


The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus makes us take a new look at the reality of diversity and inclusion in Brazilian companies.

We are going through a transition in the work environment through the insertion of the home office model, caused by social isolation, in addition to the new values sought in hiring professionals.

Even with the eminence of the crisis, we can have an overview of the changes that will occur in the labor Market, increasing competition and developing opportunities for inclusion for many areas. With that, we can turn our attention to groups that, unfortunately, may have been neglected in the professional environment.

With the changes in the professional invironment and consequently, in the labor Market, professionals with disabilities who previously had difficulty getting around to work, adapt to the condition that are not always appropriated in places, have easy access to food, shops and public transport, can now reach opportunities that provide an appropriate and familiar environment.

On the other hand, unfortunately, there is a certain resistance in the search for new professionals. Currently, the demand is for young employees who bring a different and modern dynamic to companies. However, if before there were difficulties in offering opportunities for diverse talents, such as more experienced professionals, we can now expect the inclusion of professionals observing aptitude in technical terms and soft skills.

A positive point for the insertion of professionals who have more time in the Market, is the probability of having already gone through economic crises, for example the Collor plan or the 1000% inflation, and for this reason, they have more experience and resilience when deadling with crises in general.

In addition to professionals who have some type of desability and those who have extensive experience, we must turn a special look to women, another group that, despite the empowerment in the professional area and in society, still suffer from the lack of gender equity in corporations.

However, they are proving, more and more, that they can accumulate various activities, take care of the house, children, partners and the work itself, and still perform their duties well. Competence to delegate and lead teams.

With the pandemic scenario. Organizations are more focused on results and recognize, mainly, the performance for the continuity and development of companies.

Diversity and inclusion should not be just a flag, but a real need for, in times of crisis, to have the best talent within “home”, regardless of age, diploma, sex, or appearance. It is these talents that show gratitude, and at the same time, commitment, “flyes the flag of the company” and giving the best of themselves to the organization that provides them with job opportunities.

Madeleine Blankenstein is a partner in institutional relations at HLB Brasil.

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