Extension of deadline for municipal certificates, administratives processes and files

By Monica Guisalberte


The Mayor of the Municipatily of São Paulo in the use of his assignment, through Decree n° 59.326 of April 3, 2020, considering the emergency situation and restriction measures decreed:

I. Extension for a period of 90 (ninety) days, the validity of the Joint Negative Debts Certificates (securities and real estate taxes) and the Joint Positive Certificates with Negatives Effects (securities and real estate taxes) issued by the Municipal Finance Department.

The extension referred to in the caput of this article applied to the certificates valid at the time of the entry into force of Decree n° 59.283, of March 16, 2020.

II. Suspension for a period of 60 (sixty) days, the sending of debts registered in Active Debts, for the purpose of drawing up protestes, to the Letter and Titles Protesting Notaries, directly or through the Shared Electronic Services Center of the Protesting Notaries of the State of São Paulo.

III. Suspension for the term of 30 (thirty) days, the enrollment in Active Debt of debts before the Municipality of São Paulo, except those that may prescribe during this period.

IV. Suspension for a period of 90 (ninety) days, including pending matters in the Municipal Information Register.

V. Suspension, for a period of 30 (thiety) days, the deadlines for filing objections and tax appeals.

Monica Guisalberte is the leader of indirect taxes – BPS at HLB Brasil

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