Aprovado Projeto de Lei Complementar que isenta ICMS na transferência de produtos entre estabelecimentos

HLB BrazilArticle, Uncategorized

No início de dezembro, a Câmara dos Deputados aprovou o Projeto de Lei Complementar (PL) que propõe a isenção do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) para as transferências de produtos entre estabelecimentos pertencentes à mesma empresa. Essa medida representa um avanço significativo na desburocratização e estímulo à movimentação interna de mercadorias.

Approved Supplementary Law exempts ICMS (Value Added Tax on Goods and Services) on the transfer of products between establishments

HLB BrazilArticle

In early December, the Chamber of Deputies approved the Supplementary Law Project (PL) proposing the exemption of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) for transfers of products between establishments owned by the same company. This measure represents a significant step forward in streamlining and encouraging internal movement of goods.

5G and the Internet of Things for technological growth


Expectations for the deployment of 5G in the country ─ fifth-generation technology standard for mobile networks ─ are increasingly high, with the promise of effective use in 2021 through mobile service providers that have already begun the first steps to bring the technology to Brazil, even with some political impasse involved.

Artificial intelligence as a strategy for the infrastructure area


Companies that work with IT support services are discovering the advantages of using artificial intelligence as an alternative to speed up the call resolution and, thus, bring to their professionals the opportunity to use this tool to improve their knowledge and bring a more strategic and consultative look at the demands.