Clarify doubts about the tax measure announced by the IRS to reduce the impact of COVID-19

Receita Federal


The IRS recently published a question and answer material on tax measure issued to reduce the economic impact generated by the coronavirus pandemic.

The purpose of the content is to clarify the main doubts about the measure that have been taken to alleviate the economic shock, in addition to elucidating how they will work in practice.

In the published edition, information about:

– Management Committee Resolution of Simples Nacional n° 154, of April 3, 2020, which deals with the extension of the maturity of taxes determined from within the scope of Simples Nacional;

– Decree n° 10.305, of April 1, 2020, which adresses the reduction of zero IOF rates on credit operations;

– Decrees 10.285, of March 20, 2020 and 10.302, of April 1, 2020, which deals with the reduction to zero of the IPI rates on specific products to face COVID-19;

– Normative Instruction n° 1.930, of April 1, 2020 and Normative Instruction n° 1.934, of April 7, 2020, which deal with changing the deadlines for the submission of declaration of annual adjustment by individual, the final declaration of the estate and the declaration of definitive exit;

– Ordinance ME n° 139 of April 3, 2020, amended by Ordinance ME n° 150 of April 7, 2020, which adresses the extension of the deadline for payment of federal taxes;

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