Alert: Deadline for annual approval of management accounts


Law n° 14.030/2020 was sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro, which extends the deadline for ordinary general meetings (AGOs) of shareholders or partners of companies and cooperative associates.

Based on Provisional Measure n° 931/2020, the rule seeks to mitigate the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that limite face-to-face meetings and the operation of commercial boards.

Temporary suspension of SISCOSERV


Through Joint Ordinance n° 25, of June 26, 2020, the SPECIAL SECRETARY OF FOREIGN TRADE in the use of attributions suspended the deadline for providing information to Siscoserv.

Extension of ECF


Extension of the deadline for the presentation of the Fiscal Accounting Bookkeeping (ECF) for the calendar year 2019 and for cases of extinction, partial spin-off, total spin-off, merger or incorporation that occurred in the period between January and April of the calendar year 2020.